MIB was about 3 months old when the first signs of eczema appeared on his cheeks. At six months we realised that it was more than just ‘dry’ or ‘sensitive’ skin. Over the next year it became clear that there was indeed more to it. He was diagnosed as having atopic eczema, allergic to dairy and eggs, intolerant to soya and likely allergic to stone fruits and latex (it’s hard to get these tested, but the reactions are fairly conclusive). Last year he had a mild anaphylactic reaction to peanuts.
Both of us parents have family histories of allergies and eczema although neither of us are affected on a daily basis ourselves.
Our lives were transformed after one visit to a dermatologist. After having to fight with several GPs to get referred we were so pleased that the dermatologist agreed that we should definitely be there. They showed us how to bandage MIB’s legs (which made a huge difference in just 24 hrs) and prescribed Epaderm and two steroid creams. We were given careful instructions on how to use everything as well as showing sympathy and understanding that we had never seen at our local surgery. They also gave us a number to call to ask further questions and to smooth the prescription transition at the GP’s.
Having MIB has been extra work and stress for us as a whole family. Although it does not take over our lives, it is a different life.
I can really sympathize with your story and admire what you are dong for your son. I’m 21, and have suffered from severe eczema since the age of 18 (mildly as a child, but never this bad!) Unfortunately, running is a huge part of my life which sometimes induces hives 🙁
Anyway, I’ve only just contacted by GP seriously and after showing him how back my back, shoulders, arms, stomach and legs are, he has referred me to a dermatologist. I’m severely allergic to house dust mites, grass, cats, and also dogs (moderately). At the moment, i’m covered in large raised bumps which really affect my sleep, sport and personal life.
I’m so glad to hear that I’m not alone fighting this x
Definitely not alone, just feels like it sometimes. I hope you find some respite soon. I am suffering too at the moment and it’s so distracting isn’t it? I hate having to second guess every day for the weather impact, what clothing will least affect it and so on. Exhausting!
Found your site after you knidly responded to my tweet about eczema friendly sun cream. My daughter (now 4) also started to show her first signs of eczema on her cheeks at about 6 months and things definitely got worse before they got better! Found ‘scratchmitts’ a godsend when she was small to stop her scratching her skin till it bled at nighttime. After a referral to the allergy team (by the hospital dermatologist) we’ve had her nut, sesame and salmon allergies confirmed (not severe though which is a relief) but she’s also triggered by dust mites, dogs and cats. In general we manage to keep on top of her eczema but it’s a constant vigil. Thanks for sharing your story!!
Hi Kate
I have considered scratch mitts before but never thought he’d keep them on. However during the chicken pox, he was great at keeping socks on his hands overnight to stop the scratching. I will look into it.
Thanks for getting in touch. Sharing is what makes all this stuff easier to cope with.
Hi, I’ve just found you through a facebook link. Great to be able to read your story. My youngest daughter randomly gets hives. I say randomly because we are yet to figure out the cause. At the moment the only way I can stop her from itching a hole through her skin is to apply Chickweed Gel. So at least I have something to help, but I still want to get to the source of the problem and continue to be fobbed off by the medical community. Will continue to read your blog to learn more! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks. Always good to hear that we are not alone. Gotta keep at it, it’s the only way, however tiring and fruitless it seems sometimes. Good luck!
Hi I have suffered terribly with eczema as a child and it is all under control now and only have the occasional outbreak. I am 36 now. My eldest daughter also suffered with it not long after her first birthday when we put her onto normal cow’s milk instead of the powdered milk. We tried various types of milk and ended using goat’s milk for her feeds which helped a little but not entirely. The doctor was not able to prescribe anything other than hydrocortisone and aqueous cream, which from personal experience is as much use as a chocolate teacup! When she was about 2 I requested a stronger steroid cream and better moisturising cream and he happily obliged. She is now 6 and her condition is under control and she rarely has a breakout. We still keep slapping on the moisturiser every night. It is difficult at times living with severe eczema and I hope your little boy’s condition eases as he gets older.
Thank you for your thoughts. I keep my fingers crossed every day that MIB’s skin will stay clear. Am sure one day it will come true. Good to hear your daughter is over the worst now.