Since November 2014 we’ve had an amazing breakthrough with MyItchyBoy’s eczema. MyItchyBoy has had eczema for over five years. Not just a little bit, but the kind of eczema that takes over the life of the whole family. The hospital letters refer to it as ‘severe’. In the last two years I don’t think we […]
Keeping cool at bedtime with itchy eczema
With heat comes the overwhelming itchiness of eczema. Since we had such a lovely summer here in the UK there were a lot of itchy and sleepless nights caused by MyItchyBoy being too warm in bed. Inspired by a comment on a previous post I tracked down a Mini Chillow for MyItchyBoy. I got the […]
Eczema is bad for my health – part 2
Ok, so I might be admitting here what a twit I can be, or maybe just highlighting what a danger nocturnal parenting can be. The other night I’d just started to drop off when the inevitable ‘Mummy!’ came from the next room. I turned the bedside lamp on so I could see but I didn’t […]
DermaTherapy® Sheet & Pillowcase Review
Over the warm months, MyItchyBoy has been lucky enough to try out a DermaTherapy® sheet and pillowcase sent to him by Espère Healthcare Ltd. They are made of a special fabric specially designed to help with eczema and other sensitive skin problems. On the hot nights we’ve had during summer, the sheet has helped keep […]
Looking for a good night’s sleep?
Now, for some time, MyItchyBoy has been trialling an interesting new product. It’s not a lotion or potion, but a mattress. Kindly sent to him by Silentnight, MyItchyBoy’s new mattress is a Purotex® one, endorsed by AllergyUK He was so excited to receive the mattress almost two months ago now. Compared to his previous one, […]
Eczema friendly bedding: What I’ve learned so far
For a child with eczema, like MyItchyBoy, having the right bedding is key to a good night’s sleep. Tiredness makes an already itchy child more itchy and tired, grumpy parents will find coping with the daily trials of eczema harder than usual So, this is what I’ve learned (the hard way!) about bedding for eczema […]
Eczema: the impact on family life
MyItchyBoy has suffered atopic eczema since he was a few months old. His wrists are almost always dry and itchy but eczema on the rest of his body depends on so many other things. He has food allergies and intolerances that affect his eczema but on the whole we manage to lead what we consider […]
Eczema is giving me piles – of laundry!
There are so many times that I wish MyItchyBoy had ‘normal’ skin. However, this week, my sighs and desires for normality come from the combination of a backlog of laundry and the change in weather. Due to the eczema that my son suffers, we change his bedding every couple of days. Most mornings when I […]
Solving the sleep issue
For a while now, MyItchyBoy has had trouble sleeping. That is to say, he has no trouble sleeping when he’s asleep and is settling as well as can be expected from a procrastinating genius that all 4 year olds are. The trouble has been that he keeps waking up somewhere between 1130pm and 3am and […]
Eczema is bad for my health
And at the moment, it’s not even my eczema. I read the reports in the press earlier in the week about how all parents are pretty much screwed as a lack of sleep is apparently so bad for your health. This was met with another groan from me: What am I supposed to do with […]