Yes, we had another hot night down south – over 20 degrees.
MyItchyBoy was already suffering an eczema flare-up from Friday so the heat was not at all welcome. We had all the windows open throughout the house as well as the loft hatch, to let the heat up and out.
However, sleep was still a struggle. MIB complained of being too hot and I felt helpless as he continually asked me to help him ‘not be so hot’. I swapped his beloved pj’s for a vest and shorts and gave in and let him in with husband and me. This always seems to help him calm down, even though I’m sure it was warmer snuggled up between two warm people.
When I say ‘snuggled’ I should really point out that ‘star-fished’ is perhaps more descriptive of MIB’s interpretation of bed sharing. Unfortunately although MIB managed to get a lot of sleep after that, husband and I struggled due to little feet jabbing in our backs and the sound of MIB raking his skin (you’ll know the sound if your child has eczema – it’s one up from scratch and a truly horrid noise). It is hard to ignore him attacking his skin so badly, even if he is asleep.
MIB eventually went back to his own bed in the wee small hours and then stayed there happily til 9 this morning. Unfortunatley, husband and I didn’t get to enjoy the lie in so are walking around a bit like zombies today.
Once MIB was up and fed I popped him in the bath to wash off all the sweat and last night’s cream before loading his skin up again.
Here’s hoping for a cooler one tonight.
You have my sympathy and empathy – I love the idea of cuddling up with TT at night, but the star-fish and ninja jabbing combo usually means no sleep for me or my OH! TT’s eczema flares up in the heat, luckily for her / us it is only now a tiny patch on her inner right arm, but when it is really hot, oh my gosh that patch looks raw. Hope we have some cooler weather soon.
If it is of any use, I use Hope’s Relief cream on TT’s eczema and also I use an air purifier in her room, which uses water, so seems to put some moisture back into the air. I think this helps keep things at bay for us. Oh and we also have a PureFlo mattress, which is completely hollow and is specifically for allergies. Sorry, bit of a brain dump!!